“I do greatly appreciate your [Michael Nelson’s] support through this situation. I pray that I never have to go through this again but if I do I will for sure be reaching out to you. Thanks again.” – Owner of a Machine & Fabrication company (IDEM, Brownfields program assistance)
“Whether representing individuals, small business owners, or government entities, Mike Nelson is committed to obtaining (or achieving) the best possible outcomes for his clients. You can count on Mike to be honest in his approach, creative in his problem-solving, and focused in his efforts to bring about a successful resolution of the issues.” – Owner, Genesis Three Investments, LLC., Indianapolis
“…I cannot thank you enough on behalf of my client for the outstanding legal services provided by you with regard to the issue. The end result, quite frankly, exceeded my expectations. If ever I am in need of a referral regarding an environmental issue, Michael O. Nelson will be the individual to whom that business is sent. Once again, thank you for a job exceptionally well performed.” – Personal Attorney for a former gas station owner, Indianapolis
“Our experience with the Nelson Law Group met all expectations and we feel all communications were handled very professionally. We had no experience dealing with an oil and gas cleanup or how to handle communications with the state agency IDEM. We felt we were kept well informed and in a timely manner. We thank the Nelson Law Group and if needed would use their services again!” – Client, owner of a contaminated property, Lafayette
“When [undisclosed] suggested that I needed a lawyer experienced in relationships with insurance companies to represent me as I looked forward to the need to sign releases regarding insurance responsibilities concerning the environmental cleanup of the Swanson Nunn site, my first reaction was “why do I need that?”; my second reaction was “how do I pay for that?”; and my third reaction was “where do I find someone I can trust?”. Then when he suggested an attorney with a “big” law firm in Indianapolis I was a bit troubled. But, Mike, what I did not know then but what I have learned since our first contact in October 2011 is that I was very lucky to “find” you. For me to release four insurance companies from their responsibilities reference a claim against me for over a million dollars was, in fact, a “big” deal and I needed experienced legal advice before doing so. I also needed an expert “negotiator” able to obtain appropriate compensation for the risks I was taking as I agreed to the releases. And finally, Mike, I needed an attorney I could trust without ever meeting him in person. This email message to you is to let you know that all my concerns and expectations were answered. In the matter of the [undisclosed] case you were the exact attorney I needed. You may be assured that I will always appreciate your services and know that I have now found an attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana who is not only a great attorney, but a good friend. Please put me on your list of ready references.” – Client, Owner of Electrical Contracting Company, Evansville
” I don’t believe you could find a more efficient, experienced & dedicated law firm” – Client, Descendant of Owner of former dry cleaning service